Sunday, December 19, 2010

Walk On Water?

Finesse isn't going to be her style.  Her style is going to be more like that of a bull in a china shop. 

She is figuring out that if she just shoves her way through... she will get to the other side of whatever it is she needs to get past.  

We will of course hone this skill down to a bit of a finer art because we can't let her endanger herself.  But in some things, it is fun as all get out to watch.

Like the above picture.   She had the need to get on the other side of this body of water.  She tried going around, but that put her too far away from us.  Kaeden kept splashing to and fro with out a care, and that was driving her nuts.  Finally she just said screw it and ran as fast as she could across the water.

The water wasn't as deep as she anticipated it would be, but she still flew across.... and from my perspective, she nearly succeeded in walking (or rather running) on water.

She isn't all bull in a china shop though.   She plays games with herself by pushing her ball under the couch, then figuring out how to get it back.  She taught herself early on, however, to not push it too far under to begin with, and to hook it with her paw, not just frantically shove her paw under the couch hoping to bat it out one side or the other.    If you shove your paw in there, it forces the ball further back under the couch, making it impossible to get out.

The best part of all of this?  It continues to show us how much of a problem solver she is.... she gets frustrated if she can't figure it out, but instead of giving up, she works that much harder at finding the solution.

This means, when the search gets hard, Raezor will get tougher and stick it through to the end, solving the puzzle as she goes!

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