This is where it all started. A little puppy. A "stupid, untrainable puppy we thought we'd take from a shelter, give her a good start and send her on her way to a great forever home. But that weekend, she gave to us the idea that we were her forever home. In 2 days, we trekked over 10 miles, and this was the ONLY time she needed to be carried. It was only for about 15 minutes before she said, nope, I got this, and wouldn't be carried another step further. She didn't know what we were looking for, but she discovered that each trail opening was of interest to us, so she began running point - finding the openings in the forest and venturing up them herself. The long drive home, the decision was made. She was staying.

A few months ago, when it was still cold, we traveled up to about 5000 feet and Kristi and Raezor got to do a practice test. Up and over boulders and slash, bounded by a pond and a lake, and full of great hiding places ... they checked here, there and every where. When horses came through and bicycles came through, it was fine. The find on the subject was a bit out of the ordinary, but it was a great day for sure. And after 1.5 hours, she was still ready to keep right on going.
We went back and visited the shelter she came from and Raezor got to do a demo in front of a crowd of 75 or so people... her first solo demo! All eyes were on her. On one side she had the grill cooking up burgers and hot dogs. Behind her, the world watched as she meticulously searched. She performed spectacularly and the crowd was wooed! This stupid untrainable puppy has grown into an intelligent, highly trained dog.
Getting to be in a helicopter this big was a scary event. So much more massive than any helo she had been on or near before. With very little hesitation, and with all the trust in the world for Kristi, rotors turning, exhaust blowing and dust kicking up everywhere, they got on.
Inch by inch, day by day, training by training, the closer they get. A touch more time, and they'll be out searching for missing people... proving once again just how intelligent that little puppy really is....